Miss Best, office manager, deals with queries from parents and members of the public. Please contact Miss Best on 0191 237 0419, at schooladmin@seghillschool.co.uk or in person at the school office. Please speak to Miss Best if you require a paper copy of anything from our website, which she will provide for you free of charge.

School Admissions- admission in to Reception

Admissions in to Reception (yellow class) for September 2025

Our school adheres to Northumberland County Council's admissions policy as explained in the primary school admissions handbook.

Most children who attend our Nursery (orange class) go on to attend our Reception class (yellow class).  Children who attend our Nursery are not guaranteed a place in our Reception class; parents need to apply for a place in Reception.

Parents of children who are 4 years old by 31 August 2025 can apply for a place in Reception in September 2025.

The link to the school admissions portal and the school admissions handbook are not yet live.  They will be available before the admissions portal opens on 01 November 2024.  

These are the links to the admissions portal and handbook for 2024 - 2025.

link to online admissions portal

link to the school admissions handbook

link to Reception applications

The School Admissions Handbook is for 2025 - 2026.  The online admissions portal opens on 01 November 2024 and closes on 15 January 2025.  Parents will be notified of the outcome of their application for school places on 16 April 2025.

Parents of children who are offered a place in Reception will be invited to attend a Reception new starters parents' meeting, stay and play sessions and a teddy bear's picnic.